Friday, October 11, 2013

Beautify Yourself Friday (Happy Taco Goal #1)

I have a goal. Friday, the ubiquitous date night, also tends to be at the end of a taxing week. However,
starting today I have implemented a plan for physical, if not personal renewal. No matter what, Friday morning I must have a shower--no excuses! No "just wake up with the children", no more "I have ultra dry skin, so it's ok not to shower today", no more of any of that. On Fridays, merely not being a purveyor of stench is inadequate. I must be a regular ad for Chanel. So on Fridays I must bathe. I'm not stopping there, however, this shower will not be just the basic scrub-a-dub. I'm pulling out the big guns and shaving those legs, and while we're at it --bring out the homemade scrub for exfoliating.

And nap time? Fridays I forgo the morning load of laundry, destined to be folded whilst babes take a midday slumber. During nap time I will treat myself to a home mani, pedi and facial, maybe even set my hair in curls if its been a good day.

Why all this fuss? Because I find Hero immensely irresistible. Remember when you were single and dating how you pulled out all the stops for a date if you really liked him. You polished and preened yourself for anywhere up to three hours before hand. You consulted friends and roommates as to what to wear. You had designated "date" clothes. You loved this. It was the one aspect of single dating that was awesome all of the time.

And as antique and sexist as the idea may seem, looking your loveliest to please your man is actually a pleasure, because you also look good for yourself. You pamper yourself, and take pride in your gorgeousness.

So even if its just another redbox rental and home popped popcorn in our pajamas (should I buy "date pajamas" then?)  I'll be looking and feeling great not just for myself, but for Hero because things are always better when shared, including me at my best.

So here's to a new goal! HERE! HERE! Join me as you wish, but at least wish me luck.

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