Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Hero

Hero has lamented more than once, that once the children wake him up he cannot get back to sleep. I tease him and say things like, "Oh, you just aren't tired enough" or "Just watch me, I am a professional at going back to sleep" --with a smirk. it's partly du to this being his last semester, his mind is a constant buzz of workworkwork-- he's keeping a dozen plates spinning.

Hildebrandt woke up at 5am to nurse this morning, I wasn't ready for it so instead of nursing in my glider and I hefted that chubby buddy back to bed with me ( back). There were few hiccups in getting everything going and my wee one made sure I knew about them. Hildebrandt is destined to be the next Pavarotti. I winced as I heard my sleepy husband let out in involuntary sigh and roll over--I hadn't thought about how hard it is for him to go back to sleep.

I apologized and promised that next time I would nurse in the children's bedroom. He said it was ok and countered that I was more comfortable nursing in bed.

"It is better that to be considerate, than comfortable" I thought to myself

Hero let me sleep in this morning while he got Fiona out of bed and made her breakfast.

In all relationships, but especially in marriage, I think it is better to be considerate than comfortable.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just For You, Hildebrandt!

Just moments ago I was savoring my daily piece of fine chocolate amidst the moans of Fiona who did not like being denied a similar treat. She caught me sneaking it from the cupboard, I left her in her room to drown her sorrows in her books and Garanimals blocks. Hildebrandt is on the floor beside me becoming frustrated with his efforts to escape the hoop on his play mat that prohibits his rolling off it.

His outfit is covered in mashed squash stains, the results of his first meal of baby food. He relished the orange goop with such enthusiasm that most of it landed on his face and tray. I got the first bites on video, but suddenly neglected to get the final product of messy face and bib photographed.

A relative accused me the other day of taking less pictures of Hildebrandt than I did Fiona, and they're right. One reason is the age old excuse of just having less time to bask in the wonders of a new baby, part of was baby blues when Hildebrandt was new, part of it was busy-ness with all the changes of Hero's internship abroad and the holidays immediately following. Part of it was lack of habit--when Fiona was a baby I was coddling an idea of working as a photographer but when that was given up, so was my camera for the most part in pursuit of other pursuits.

Alas, though I must repent, so here is a blog post just for you Hildebrandt, you mover and shaker

You happy go-easy boy

You rolly-polly all over everything baby

You with the strong grip and good hand/eye coordination

You "I don't have time to sit still"

You light up whenever you see Fiona or Daddy enter a room

You cry when you see me and I don't immediately pick you up

You love to snuggle

You love to EAT!

You love to love, and we love to love you :)