Thursday, January 23, 2014

This Is Your House On Cornstarch...

It all started out innocently enough, one Thursday morning at the Happy Taco--a little cornstarch to stimulate the young creature's senses 
oh how fun

love to let run through my fingers

 Oh who ever minds a little mess
 Oh how cute it splashed on her face
 Then you try to to do dishes only feet away, and everything then gets out of hand...

This is your floor on cornstarch
 This is your table on cornstarch
 This is your chair on cornstarch
These are your dollar tree flowers on cornstarch
 These are your vintage mexican postcards on cornstarch

And your walls,

And your coats

And your shoes

At least she was willing to do community service

 Cornstarch... not even once.

Even Mimi fell victim!

Arts & Sciences

On Tuesday our art project was "ice sculptures"

Fiona picked out large colored wooden beads to stuff into the cup and then we added water and put it in the freezer over night

This is what came out
Fiona was most intrigued by these cold damp articles

and especially enjoyed licking them

to each their own, I guess.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Once There Was a Snowman...

This week's theme in Happy Taco School is "Snow", so for Tuesday's art project I tried out a recipe I found online for "snow paint"

1 cup flour
1cup of salt
1 cup of water

It came out really thick and as we painted with it, I thought, "this cannot be right, oh well at least Fiona is enjoying herself"

But actually they looked great after they dried

The rest of play time was spent next to this MAGICAL thing called a large window. Fiona spent a full two minutes calling after and looking for a squirrel that had long since been gone down the the street  

My goodness, she is beautiful!

getting ready to take a 10 sec nap before picking up blocks

She also likes to play "naptime"

"I do not color, I read it"-- that's a direct quote from Fiona as I encouraged her to color in her coloring book while I was trying to do some reading and she happened to grab one of my art education books--typical Fiona behavior (smile). This photo says so much about her her haha, the shirt even says "Book Worm" on it!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday= Music Time, Mediterranean Food, and Family Night

Monday morning!!! Fiona and I whipped up a batch of cookies to eat for Family Home Evening. She was so enthralled by the whole process!

Hildebrandt supervised

It's actually pretty fun doing housework with Fiona

It was Music Day in our Happy Taco School. We assembled a snowman together with song corresponding to each piece, then Fiona played with her musical instruments for the rest of the hour

Hero came home and "played" with the children (IE collapsed on the couch and let them do what they may to him--which ended up with Hildebrandt pulling and eating his hair)

He was conscious part of the time at least :)

I swear she's going to be a librarian or writer some day, all she want's to do is read books :)
We made lemon cream cookies for our Family Night dessert and watched an episode of "Peppa Pig" together
I like the variety of texture achieved by the use to different sized rainbow distracts from the burnt cookie bottoms.

Some of us found it difficult to wait until it was time for dessert.

Actually it was mainly me who could not wait, Fiona just wanted to pick up the scattered sprinkles and put them on the cookie to "Fix it" , as she likes to say

 And with a good day, comes a good rest...
I love how his hand is just paused in mid-air, but I think Fiona take the award for funniest sleeping pose, I wonder how she fell asleep with her beloved doll's foot squished up to her face.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Friday is Play Day

Yesterday, Fiona helped me wash dishes after breakfast. She had a good time until she spilled a copious amount of water all over her at the end.

Then during play time I snagged some cute snapshots of my little boy.

He is forever rolling over and getting his feet stuck in between the bars

Love those chubby hands :)

They almost look like twins in this picture :)

And then after the getting the babies to bed last night, Hero and I enjoyed a date night in. Bowls of decadent ice cream and a classic Cary Grant movie are our recipe for a good time :)